Honoring Life on Sacred Ground
The succinct yet profound tagline of Gate of Heaven Cemetery encapsulates a commitment that resonates deeply with our Gate of Heaven Staff. In every interaction with those we are privileged to serve, we strive to embody the essence of this statement.
To honor is to uphold what is virtuous, to demonstrate the utmost respect. As stewards of Gate of Heaven Cemetery, our role as Catholic ministers involves walking alongside families during their moments of loss, a privilege that we approach with profound reverence. In our care for the earthly remains of their departed loved ones, we not only fulfill a corporal work of mercy but answer a higher calling to minister with respect and compassion.
Life, commencing at conception, traverses through the experience of death and transcends into eternity. Every individual we encounter is regarded as sacred, whether it be a family member preparing for the burial of a loved one or the departed soul embarking on the spiritual phase of their journey. We affirm the sanctity of all life, both in its physical and spiritual dimensions.
The concept of Sacred Ground refers to the consecration by the church for the sacred purpose of burial. At Gate of Heaven Cemetery, the meticulously maintained grounds symbolize the dignity accorded to each life laid to rest, awaiting the promise of resurrection. The sacredness of our cemetery is not merely symbolic; it is a lived reality as we care for each gravesite as if it were a member of our own family.
Life’s journey persists beyond the threshold of death. Through prayerful remembrance, we cherish the hope of reuniting with our beloved departed in the resurrection. As we travel this earthly journey together, our strength lies in the enduring hope that indescribable joy awaits us. Until that great day of our reunion in the resurrection of the dead,
We will continue – Honoring Life on Sacred Ground – now and always.
May God bless you throughout the year.
Thomas Jordan, CCCE
Director of Cemeteries of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati